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Go talk 4+

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Go talk 4+
The device is intended for the acquisition, development or restoration of speech skills with the help of a teacher and independently. It functions as a speech simulator and a replenishable pointing aid for basic speech communication
Description GoTalk 4+ holds 20 messages, as well as two “main” messages that remain unchanged at each level. Great sound, easy message recording, quick message deletion function, built-in earbud storage, record lock, level change lock. Used for communication, conveying personal messages, speech practice and articulation, instructing, working in groups. Total recording time is 4.5 minutes. Batteries and user manual included. The device is intended for the acquisition, development or restoration of speech skills with the help of a teacher and independently. It functions as a speech simulator and a means for basic speech communication. The main functions of the device include a voice recorder, with which you can record or play back sounds, syllables, words, and sentences previously recorded on the voice recorder. What you have learned can be removed or supplemented with new sounds and words. The device can be used for teaching both normally developing children and children with intellectual and speech disorders (aphasia, alalia, dyslalia, dysarthria), for rehabilitation and facilitating communication and communication among adults after illness (traumatic brain injury, stroke), as well as an elementary communication device for people with speech impairments.