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We are excited to present the new version of our website satr.kz

Dear colleagues and friends!
We are happy to announce our new updated website! We tried to avoid cluttering it with too much graphics while giving it a more modern look and making it more user-friendly, informative and hopefully more visually appealing.
The updates were comprehensive and covered the site’s functionality in addition to the new design. Our goal was to make a site that is easy to use, so you could easily find all the information you need navigating through the website’s refreshed visual design. One of the key changes is that the website is now accessible for the visually impaired.

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     The Center for Social Adaptation and Labor Rehabilitation of Children and Adolescents with Mental and Physical Disabilities (SATR Center) seeks to promote legal, social and pedagogical assistance to children and adolescents with developmental disorders in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
     The Center includes the following divisions:
     Process Management and Legal Support Division
     The Process Management and Legal Support Division was organized in order to promote the use of modern high quality disability aids and foster a learning environment for children with developmental disorders in Kazakhstan.
     The division consists of a calibration laboratory, the service department and the sales and legal support department.
     The calibration laboratory calibrates hearing diagnostic equipment (audiometric equipment). The specialists working at the laboratory are certified calibrators of acoustic measurement equipment. The accredited laboratory has the full range of instruments for precision calibration of all types of audiometric equipment.
     The service department provides guarantee and post-guarantee maintenance of products.
     The sales and legal support department sells audiometric diagnostic equipment as well as a wide range of modern aids for people with hearing, speech, vision, mobility and mental disorders, including hearing aids, educational and sensor equipment and toys, mechanical therapy devices, rehabilitation suits, interactive and multimedia equipment, logopedic probes and training devices.

The center is the official distributor of these products in Kazakhstan.

For purchases of products, additional information and advice, as well as proposals for cooperation, please contact the address stated in the Product Catalog section, call +7 (727) 395-83-30, 395-85-11, or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

     Education and Methodological Support Division

     The Education and Methodological Support Division develops, prints and delivers textbooks, workbooks, teaching aids and methodological literature in the Kazakh and Russian languages for all types of special schools, including literature in Braille type and large type.

     The division office consists of the department of advanced training and retraining of teachers, editorial and publishing department and a print shop.
     The department of advanced training and retraining of teachers implements special education programs in order to advance the professional knowledge and skills of teachers in the sphere of inclusive education. The department operates in accordance with the Constitution of Kazakhstan, Law on Education and the Regulations for Educational Institutions.

     The main objectives of the department are:
     - advanced training of teachers working with children with disabilities in the spheres of education, healthcare and social protection.
     - Retraining of qualified teachers under the programs “Teacher of children with mental disorders”, “Speech therapist” and “Teacher of the deaf”.

For more information please call: +7 (727) 395-83-26, 395-83-24, +7 747-223-98-82 or write to: training. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

     The editorial and publishing department develops, adapts and publishes special educational and methodological literature, including Braille type literature, in accordance with the state education standards of Kazakhstan in order to support the education process for children with special needs.
For purchases of educational, methodological and other literature, as well as for additional information, please contact the address stated in the Product Catalog section, call +7 (727) 394-43-66 or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

     The print shop produces quality educational and methodological literature, including Braille type literature, blanks and technical documents in support of all structural divisions of SATR Center. The print shop comprises the full printing cycle including prepress, press and post-press.
SATR Center also includes the diagnosis and treatment department which consists of the following units:
     1) Audiology office
     2) Neuropathologist and electroencephalogram office

     The audiology office offers the following services to children and adults with hearing impairments:

- Hearing examination in newborns and infants (screening and in-depth examination), determining the degree of hearing loss,
- Hearing examination of children, adolescents and adults (screening and in-depth examination), determining the degree of hearing loss,
- Selection and adjustment of hearing aids
- Sales of hearing aids manufactured by Oticon A / S (Denmark),
- Making ear moulds (otoplasty),
- Diagnostics of MED-EL speech processors and component sales,
- Hearing and speech rehabilitation of children and adults with hearing aids and cochlear implants,
- Maintenance and repair of hearing aids.

     The diagnosis and treatment department features specialists who have undergone special training in audiology, deaf teaching, selection and adjustment of hearing aids and speech processors and making ear molds.
Otolaryngologist / audiologist: Kravchenko Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Hearing therapist: Beisembieva Elena Valerievna
Technician for making ear moulds: Alexander V. Gartman

     Neuropathologist and electroencephalogram office
Neuropathologist-epileptologist: Petrov Andrey Viktorovich
Neuropathologist: Aitzhanova Raigul Klimovna, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the highest category
Electroencephalography - EEG: Denisova Galina Yurievna, EEG doctor

You can make an appointment with a doctor by calling +7 727 394-46-23, 394-45-13 or 87075840009.


SATR Center Management

Roza Suleymenova     General Director of SATR Center Roza Aitzhanovna Suleimenova is a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, leading scientist and organizer of modern special education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. She is the author of more 200 academic papers and textbooks in the Kazakh and Russian languages, author of the Law "On social, medical and pedagogical support of children with disabilities" adopted in 2002 and a number of regulatory documents in the field of special education. She is also editor-in-chief of the scientific journal "Special Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan".
     Roza Suleimenova has led fundamental and applied research in the field of special education and more than 10 international projects, which resulted in the creation of a model of diagnosis and early treatment of children with disabilities.
     In 1969 she graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin with a degree in Defectology. In 1974 she graduated from a full-time postgraduate program and defended her Ph.D. thesis at the Research Institute of Defectology of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences in Moscow. She is a Doctor of Pedagogy with majors in therapeutic pedagogy and general pedagogy.
Roza Suleimenova organized Kazakhstan’s first faculty of defectology opened at the Abai Kazakh Pedagogical Institute in 1977.
     In 1992, she organized the National Scientific Center for Social Adaptation and Labor Rehabilitation of Children and Adolescents with Development Disabilities, which laid the foundation of a single system of special education. In 2004 it was renamed into the National Scientific Center for Therapeutic Pedagogy. In 1992-2007 she served as Director of the National Scientific Center for Therapeutic Pedagogy.
     R.A. Suleimenova has been awarded the medals "Excellence in Education" and "Altynsarin", badge "For Distinction in the Development of Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan", commendation from the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan and the “Eren enbegi ushin" medal.

First Deputy General Director: Toktabayanova Anar Maidanovna,
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Deputy General Director for Educational and Methodological Support: Khalykova Baglan Sansyzbaevna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.


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