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Exercise machine “10-step ladder”, Italy

Base price

Placement on the table. With the machine placed on a horizontal surface in front of the patient, active work on the finger ladder machine will engage the proximal (closest to the center or midline) joints, elbow extension, and shoulder flexion. Gradually, by performing this task using his fingers, the patient develops mobility and coordination, alternating between bending one finger and straightening the other to move to the next step.
When placed on a vertical panel, the “ladder” is located on the same axis as the base module; for general reasons, it is rotated or used vertically. This is especially useful when a greater degree of flexion is desired in the shoulder.
The entire stand is made of antibacterial polyethylene, resistant to water and ultraviolet rays, and can be easily sterilized.
Dimensions (cm): 39.5 x 17.5 x 4 (height) (closed)