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Center SATR LLP is an dealer in the Republic of Kazakhstan of the following companies:
RECK-Technik GmbH&Co.KG (Germany), Rehab and Medical Ltd (UK), Conmet Holding (Russia), Attainment Company (США), Edu-consulting International Ltd (Israel), PATH MEDICAL GmbH (Germany), MED-EL (Austria), Oticon (Denmark), Chinesport S.p.A. (Italy), Entertainment Robotics (Denmark), Freedom Scientific (США), Optelec (Netherlands), Index Braille (Sweden), Elite Group LLC (Russian Federation, Moscow), Electronics Laboratory "ElecZhest" LLC (Russian Federation, Moscow), HumanWare Group (Canada).
If you have any questions regarding the products and services, please contact the sales department:   +7 727 3958511   info@satr.kz

Seat cushions with cover (Korea)

Base price
Gel Cube_1

An absolute novelty in Kazakhstan and an excellent gift for people who have to spend most of their time in a sitting position.
Recommended for office workers, drivers, wheelchair users, elderly people, pregnant women to relieve stress during the day. ⠀
Gel Cube seat cushions are the latest Korean multi-layer porous (honeycomb) technology that can relieve tension in the hips and sacrum area and improve blood flow. The patented Air Cell-Beta Gel material is resilient, flexible, breathable and easy to clean. Especially recommended for the prevention of bedsores. A special technology for the production of covers prevents the cushions from sliding on the seat surface.

Size: 40x40x2.5 cm.
42x40x2.5 cm.
46x42x2.5 cm.