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Center SATR LLP is an dealer in the Republic of Kazakhstan of the following companies:
RECK-Technik GmbH&Co.KG (Germany), Rehab and Medical Ltd (UK), Conmet Holding (Russia), Attainment Company (США), Edu-consulting International Ltd (Israel), PATH MEDICAL GmbH (Germany), MED-EL (Austria), Oticon (Denmark), Chinesport S.p.A. (Italy), Entertainment Robotics (Denmark), Freedom Scientific (США), Optelec (Netherlands), Index Braille (Sweden), Elite Group LLC (Russian Federation, Moscow), Electronics Laboratory "ElecZhest" LLC (Russian Federation, Moscow), HumanWare Group (Canada).
If you have any questions regarding the products and services, please contact the sales department:   +7 727 3958511   info@satr.kz

Dry pool

Base price

Lying in the pool, the child can take the individual position that corresponds to the state of the muscle tone of the torso and limbs of the child and relax. At the same time, constant contact of the entire surface of the body with the balls filling it makes it possible to better feel your body and creates a soft massage effect, providing deep muscle relaxation. The body in the pool has safe support at all times, which is especially important for children with motor impairments.
In the pool you can move, change position - this develops and strengthens the musculoskeletal system. Moving in moving balls creates excellent conditions for developing coordination of movements. Movement and play in a dry pool are emotionally charged; The child first spends energy, and then, leaning back, can relax and calm down.