Center SATR LLP is an dealer in the Republic of Kazakhstan of the following companies:
RECK-Technik GmbH&Co.KG (Germany), Rehab and Medical Ltd (UK), Conmet Holding (Russia), Attainment Company (США), Edu-consulting International Ltd (Israel), PATH MEDICAL GmbH (Germany), MED-EL (Austria), Oticon (Denmark), Chinesport S.p.A. (Italy), Entertainment Robotics (Denmark), Freedom Scientific (США), Optelec (Netherlands), Index Braille (Sweden), Elite Group LLC (Russian Federation, Moscow), Electronics Laboratory "ElecZhest" LLC (Russian Federation, Moscow), HumanWare Group (Canada).
If you have any questions regarding the products and services, please contact the sales department: +7 727 3958511
Children's set of soft modules "Palisade"
The “picket fence” is assembled from soft foam cylinders with a diameter of 20 cm, which are inserted at either end into the holes of a foam rubber mat 14 cm thick. The cylinders form a kind of “forest”, an obstacle course. Set cylinders can be used separately. Designed for outdoor games and activities.
Equipment: mat-1; cylinders-5
Size: 120x60x100 cm