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Center SATR LLP is an dealer in the Republic of Kazakhstan of the following companies:
RECK-Technik GmbH&Co.KG (Germany), Rehab and Medical Ltd (UK), Conmet Holding (Russia), Attainment Company (США), Edu-consulting International Ltd (Israel), PATH MEDICAL GmbH (Germany), MED-EL (Austria), Oticon (Denmark), Chinesport S.p.A. (Italy), Entertainment Robotics (Denmark), Freedom Scientific (США), Optelec (Netherlands), Index Braille (Sweden), Elite Group LLC (Russian Federation, Moscow), Electronics Laboratory "ElecZhest" LLC (Russian Federation, Moscow), HumanWare Group (Canada).
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Speech therapy probe according to Pilyaeva’s method No. 1 “Logoluntik”

Base price

Speech therapy probe according to Pilyaeva’s method No. 1 “Logoluntik”
All elements of the probe are made of high-quality medical stainless steel. The probe can be processed by chemical and thermal methods of pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization.
The working part of the probe consists of two pairs of side clamps for the lips and jaw and a curved guide with a movable stainless ball.
Designed to strengthen the muscles of the cheekbones, cheeks, lips, tongue in children of preschool and primary school age with dysarthria, dyspraxia, alalia, mixed paresis of articulatory muscles, rhinolalia, cerebral palsy, as well as in children with impaired pronunciation and hearing.