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Center SATR LLP is an dealer in the Republic of Kazakhstan of the following companies:
RECK-Technik GmbH&Co.KG (Germany), Rehab and Medical Ltd (UK), Conmet Holding (Russia), Attainment Company (США), Edu-consulting International Ltd (Israel), PATH MEDICAL GmbH (Germany), MED-EL (Austria), Oticon (Denmark), Chinesport S.p.A. (Italy), Entertainment Robotics (Denmark), Freedom Scientific (США), Optelec (Netherlands), Index Braille (Sweden), Elite Group LLC (Russian Federation, Moscow), Electronics Laboratory "ElecZhest" LLC (Russian Federation, Moscow), HumanWare Group (Canada).
If you have any questions regarding the products and services, please contact the sales department:   +7 727 3958511   info@satr.kz

Electricity simulator, Italy

Base price

For the switch to operate, your finger must be positioned on the correct half of the key. This task can also be performed with two fingers. To make a rhythmic alternating movement requires selectivity in having the two fingers bend in sequence.
Inserting a plug into an outlet is a task that requires attention, coordination, and judgment to do it safely.
The patient must firmly grasp the two elements in his hands and connect them to each other. Dimensions: (cm) 39.5 x 17.5 x 8.5 (height)